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School-Wide Behaviour Support System

What is it?


School-wide system of simple, clear rules/ expectations is known by ALL students and ALL staff in ALL settings.


  • It utilizes behavioral strategies that support our vision of effectively utilizing the instructional day and year to increase student success.

  • It involves a team approach-students, staff, and parents.

What are the components of the system?


1. We define expected behaviors - Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful,

and be a Learner/Achiever. For Example:


  • Be Safe

Keep yourself and others safe

Make wise choices that are safe for yourself and others, for ex. Smoking, drinking, drugs, peers etc.

  • Be Responsible

Be on time to school in the morning

Care for school property and personal property

Complete all classroom assignments and homework

  • Be Respectful

Be courteous, caring and polite to others

Demonstrate a positive attitude

  • Be a Learner/Achiever

Enter classrooms quietly and ready to learn

Always work to the best of your ability


2. We teach expected behaviors in related settings, i.e. playground, bus, lunch area, library, office classrooms, assemblies, etc.

3. We acknowledge appropriate expected behavior through tangible rewards/acknowledgments (hawkeyes, assembly presentations, awards day etc.)

4. We correct and apply consequences for inappropriate behavior.


Why do we use it?


1. Creates a safe school learning environment

2. Enables the staff to teach, and students to learn

3. Decreases discipline referrals

4. Encourages positive, pro-social behavior throughout the school organization


In addition to general school expectations, all classroom teachers set standards within their classrooms that support the motto -

Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be a Learner/Achiever


Students at E.S.M.S. are R.A.R.E.. They are:

Responsible for their Actions, Decisions, Learning and Preparation

Achievers by Attending through Effort and by Excellence in: Academics, Arts, Sports, Community

Respectful to Yourself - Building - Property - Others (Staff, Visitors, Students)

Experiencing by trying new things: Sports, Arts, Human Ecology, Tech. Ed., Clubs, Leadership, Humanitarian, Band, Drama

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