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English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program 

The English-Ukrainian Bilingual program offers Ukrainian language instruction (provincially set curriculum), activities to increase cultural awareness and experiences in Ukrainian culture.


  • The program is approved by Manitoba Education and Training.

  • All curriculum outcomes are taught as in regular English classes.

  • Students can succeed without Ukrainian background or knowledge of the language.

  • Students learn English, Ukrainian and French.

  • Enthusiastic teachers and active parents support a high quality program.

  • Parents support an energetic English – Ukrainian Parents Committee.

  • Program has been in East Selkirk since 1983


Visit the Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education website for additional resources

Congratulations to the following students who are graduating from the grade 6 and grade 8 classes in the EUBP:

Grade 6 EUBP Graduates


Колин Бобрович – Colin Bobrowich

Нелі Банк- Nellie Bunk

Паркер Керепс- Parker Carels

Отим Карлсон- Autumn Carlson

Джокні Енс-Демчук- Jonathon Enns-Demchuk

Коріна Ессар- Corrinaa Essar

Сет Гарґрайвс- Seth Hargreaves-Fiddler

Чейс Катазінскі- Chase Katazinski

Амелі Павлі- Amely Pavlij

Едвард Пето- Edward Peto

Раєн Попіл- Ryan Popiel

Еван Шупеня- Evan Shupenia

Алекса Солберґ- Alexa Solberg

Гейден Сутер- Hayden Suter


Grade 8 EUBP Graduates


Зеня Іваночко – Zenya Ewanochko

Ліля Гофман- Lily Hofmann

Лорен Келберт- Lauren Kelbert

Райлі Лисчинскі- Riley Lischynski

Джесі Мють- Jessie Muth

Джастин Попіль- Justin Popiel

Аманда Шупеня- Amanda Shupenia

Джена Симко- Janna Simko

Анеса Стасюк- Annessa Stasiuk

Андрій Віб- Andrew Wiebe

Юрій Юденко- Yurii Yudenko


If you are looking for something to do this summer why not check out Folklarama! The MPUE will have a booth set up at the Ukraine-Kyiv Pavilion. There will be kid friendly activities and school displays. The pavilion is located in Maples Collegiate (1330 Jefferson Ave, Winnipeg). MPUE is looking for volunteers. If you are able to volunteer please contact them at


Have a safe and enjoyable summer!


Ria Semenowich


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