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E.S.M.S. Objectives



        Students are expected to complete the entire curriculum to the best of their ability.

        Students are expected to attend all classes and be on time.  

        Students that are away are expected to complete all missed work.

        Students are expected to be prepared for all classes.

        Students are expected to put forth their best effort into their work and
        use class time effectively.


        Students are expected to respect all students, staff members, support staff, guest teachers and guests in our building.

        Students are expected to take “ownership” or be “responsible for” all school materials, textbooks, furniture and supplies.

        Students are expected to be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the building and the school grounds.

        Students are expected to respect people’s personal space.  (Be Safe)

        Students are expected to be tolerant of others’ abilities and beliefs.



        Students will be offered a variety of programs, at levels appropriate to the students.

        Specialty areas (art, drama, technical education, human ecology, life skills etc.) will be integrated into other curriculum areas
        making it relevant for the students.

        Students will be recognized for their positive behaviour and accomplishments. “Students of the Month”

        Certificates for accomplishments. (Honours, Achievement etc.)



        Students will have access to quiet areas to complete work.

        Resource teachers will help staff and students plan academic programs that will meet the needs of all students.

        A Counselor will be available to assist students in dealing with personal or school related matters.

        Students will be offered nutritional foods in school, canteen, drink machines, etc.

        Grade sharing and teacher teams will work together to implement integration across the curriculum.

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